You may be doing all the right strengthening and exercises but without the right foods being put into your body your healing maybe slow and ineffective.
A Mum without the right levels of both macronutrients (carbohydrates - no they will not make you fat, protein - no you won't become bulky, and fats - yes even fat is essential) and micronutrients (minerals, vitamins and amino acids vital to make the body function well) will not only affect her health and well-being but also the health of her baby (if breastfeeding) and let's face it the rest of the family.
In this module we shall go into the science of how the body heals after giving birth and what your body needs to heal effectively, give you energy and to nourish every part of your body. There are even meal suggestions for a typical day (if that even exists anymore!). This is not to missed!! (my own personal review).