
Post Natal exercise is not advocated before the 6 week GP check where professional permission is given to return back to exercise. Complete Studio does not accept any responsibility for any bodily harm that may arise during or after undergoing this online course.

a note from nikki

This Post Natal Course is what every new Mum wishes she had done after having a baby, I know it's what I wish I had! The course has four sessions which all start with an educational section of different aspects of your forever changing body followed by a practical core strengthening and post natal pilates section.

The bonus module on Post Natal Nutrition will go into the science of how the body heals after giving birth and what your body needs to heal effectively. There are even meal suggestions for a typical day (if that even exists anymore!).

My hope is that it encourages and empowers you to make healthy steps forward at a pace that is right for you. Enjoy the course and do get in touch when you've finished it, I'd love to hear how you found it.


An Introduction To The Course

You can expect clear and honest chat about what has really happened to your body after undergoing one of the biggest traumas of its life. You will learn how to maximise your healing and recovery from birth and understand how to start regaining strength and movement using your core muscles in the safest and most effective ways.

session 1

Session 1: Healing. Post Natal Posture, Using your Core Effectively

The healing and recovery of your post natal body is so important yet it is not given much attention. It doesn't just happen within a few weeks of giving birth yet society expects Mums to literally bounce back (don't even get me started!).

Your body has adapted physically to being pregnant and so we start we re-educate the brain on getting a neutral posture. In this new posture the muscles will function way more effectively as we begin to use the core muscles together with breathing.

session 2

Session 2: Pelvic Floor, Post Natal Pilates

The Pelvic Floor, what has happened to them during pregnancy, labour and birth is vital to understanding how they heal. Often there are complications such as incontinence (both urinary and fecal) and prolapses or differing sorts and degrees.

Signs and symptoms of these conditions are discussed along with advice on when to seek help for them. The core strengthening and Post Natal Pilates section builds on what was learnt in Session 1.

session 3

Session 3: Abdominals including Diastasis Recti, Post Natal PIlates

The Abdominals, normally the part of the body that Mums are most self conscious about. Understanding the different abdominals and what they do will help you realise that they are not just there to do sit ups (please don't do them before doing this course). They are affected in every movement your body does and they are not beyond hope!

You will be taught how to do your tummy check to see if you have a Diastasis Recti and to test the tension of your connective tissue and then of course the core strengthening and Post Natal Pilates section continues.

session 4

Session 4: Returning to Sport, Post Natal Pilates

Returning to sport, doing it the right way, at the right time will save you all manner of complications and injuries. Rushing this bit is just not worth it and there is plenty you can be doing to strengthen your body before you insist of heading back to running, the local HIIT session or the hockey team.

Investing in your future body is really a thing.

bonus content

You may be doing all the right strengthening and exercises but without the right foods being put into your body your healing maybe slow and ineffective.

A Mum without the right levels of both macronutrients (carbohydrates - no they will not make you fat, protein - no you won't become bulky, and fats - yes even fat is essential) and micronutrients (minerals, vitamins and amino acids vital to make the body function well) will not only affect her health and well-being but also the health of her baby (if breastfeeding) and let's face it the rest of the family.

In this module we shall go into the science of how the body heals after giving birth and what your body needs to heal effectively, give you energy and to nourish every part of your body. There are even meal suggestions for a typical day (if that even exists anymore!). This is not to missed!! (my own personal review).

What next?

The Mummy MOT

If you've not already maybe you should consider a Mummy MOT, the comprehensive post natal check up and examination that assesses how you are recovering after birth.

You get information on your body, exercises to take away and tailored advice that helps you recover well. These MOT can be done in person or online and you can arrange it at a time that is convenient for you.

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